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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Difference between IEnumerable and IQueryable - LINQ

Possibly the main difference is that LINQ operators for IEnumerable accepts delegates of Function(of .. while IQueryable operators accepts Expression Tree. The best usage for IEnumberable is In-Memory or In-Process iterations while IQueryable enables to iterate through out of memory things including data sources, SQL, datatables etc!!

Using Code First (Code Only) approach with Entity Framework - Sergey Barskiy - YouTube

Using Code First (Code Only) approach with Entity Framework - Sergey Barskiy - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Visual Basic 10 new features - Visual studio 2010

There are many cool features in VB 10 ... some of my best ones may include:

 ' multiline Lambda expression
 Dim addUpFunc = Function(x As Integer, y As IntegerAs Double
                            Return x + y
                 End Function

' Collection initaliser
 Dim list As New List(Of StringFrom {"Rahman""Hosha"}
' Multi line continuation without the need for under score _
 Dim sql = "Select name, " &
            "Age, city, country from " &
             "From Individual"

' Auto Properties - without the need for getters and setters
 Public Property Name As String = String.Empty

' Array literals - with type inferring eg without defining the type of the array or number of 
 Dim numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4}
more info:
