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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Writing custom .NET trace listeners - CodeProject®

Creating custom TraceListener. .Net provides 3 default listerners:
1- DefaultTraceListerner
2- EventLogTraceLister
3- TextWriterTraceListern

However, we can create our own listener if needed:

Writing custom .NET trace listeners - CodeProject®: "TextWriterTraceListener "

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Troubleshooting Web Services

Enabling tracing and logging using web config in xml web services.

Troubleshooting Web Services: "ThrowDetailedError "

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The ASP Column: Using SOAP Extensions in ASP.NET

An excellent diagram and definition of the Soap message Request/Response pipeline both in Client and Server side. The same sort of events happens both in client and server side to process the request and responses. This is where we can plug our own extensions to intercepts the messages and perform more actions eg logging, encryption, etc

The ASP Column: Using SOAP Extensions in ASP.NET:

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ASMX SoapExtension to Strip out Whitespace and New Lines - Scott Hanselman

Creating Web Service ASMX custom extensions to control Request / Response pipeline ... eg create custom logging extension etc

ASMX SoapExtension to Strip out Whitespace and New Lines - Scott Hanselman:

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