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Saturday, June 30, 2012

SQL Server Date and Time data types

SQL Server 2008 has introduced the new Date and Time data types. Now assigning a date to time data type will return only the time part of the datetime and the Date will return the Date part of the datetime ...

DECLARE @datetime AS DATETIME = getdate();
DECLARE @date AS DATE = @datetime;
DECLARE @time AS TIME = @datetime;

SELECT @date, @datetime, @time

Result is:

2012-07-01 2012-07-01 10:40:06.403 10:40:06.4030000

Or alternatively:


Or to get only the HH:MM then as follow:

DECLARE @time AS TIME(0) = @datetime; -- With zero precision so returns hh:mm

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SQL Complete - Intellisense in SQL Server Management Studio

An excellent sql server addin that provides code completion. SQL Complete... Freeware

SQL Complete - Intellisense in SQL Server Management Studio:

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Great deal between MS and Pluralsight.... as long as you have a windows live id and you register on websitespark website then you get 3 months of free pluralsight for free!!!
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WebsiteSpark + Pluralsight | the pluralsight blog:


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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

VMware Communities: Guest Windows Server 2008 64bit on Host...

Issue with installing the windows server 2008 and vmwre ... looks like some options needs to be chaned in BIOS and some settings needs to be ticked in VMWare:

VMware Communities: Guest Windows Server 2008 64bit on Host...:

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