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Friday, July 29, 2016

JSONView - Chrome Web Store

JSONView - Chrome Web Store

Chrome plugin that displays the JSON result returned from a Web API call as formatted rather than the raw JSON that Chrome shows by default.

I needed this as my result was returning Preview and Next Links and I could interactively work with the Hypermedia links!!

Web API Design | Pluralsight

Web API Design | Pluralsight

Web API Summary


>> RESTful

- Resource based as URIs

- http verbs for operations

- heirarchical web data e.g. Customers/1/orders

- stateless

- Client and Server are fully separate i.e. there is no references or proxies other than the URI

- Requests are cacheable

- Hateos or hypermedia i.e the results are self documenting e.g. it includes links or uri for the other operations that can be valid on result

- Content negociation based on headers

>> Good Desing

- should be url based and using plural nouns

- should use HTTP verbs to perform operations

- should return http status codes for delete, updated item for Put, all items for Get

- ETag caching

- Paging

- Versioning

Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Better CSS: LESS and SASS

A Better CSS: LESS and SASS

LESS features in summary:

>> Create variables @variable-name : red;

>> Create heirarchy of elements rather than repeating them many times

>> Add comments // and /**/

>> Import CSS or other Less files @Import "filename.css"

>> Functions

>>> color : darken(@variable-name + 10%) , lighten, saturate, etc

>> Operations

>>> color : @font-size + 12;

>> Mixen -> functions that accepts parameter and is reusable

>>> .my-first-mixin(@size){

border-radius : @size;


and use it as:

#form {

broder-radius : my-first-mixin(5px);


>> namespaces

Web Extension Pack

Web Extension Pack

This is required to be installed otherwise most of the cool features like .less preview etc will not be working in Visual Studio 2015.

Sharing code mvc
