Run-Time Text Generation with T4 Text Templates
T4 template c#
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Step 1: Follow John Papa's steps except don't create a web config (keep it unticked)
Step 2: add the web config based on this:
Deploying an Angular CLI project using VSTS Build and Release - Seth Reid Blog:
e.g. in the root folder of the app:
'via Blog this'
Step 2: add the web config based on this:
Deploying an Angular CLI project using VSTS Build and Release - Seth Reid Blog:
e.g. in the root folder of the app:
<rule name="AngularJS Routes" stopProcessing="true">
<match url=".*" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" negate="true" />
<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsDirectory" negate="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/" />
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protected override async Task SendAsync(
HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Options
Enable cors for Angular 4 otherwise when adding new record it will fail
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HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Options
Enable cors for Angular 4 otherwise when adding new record it will fail
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#Reading feeds from PowerShell team blog
$feeds = Invoke-RestMethod
#Filtering and Formatting results
$feeds | ForEach {
} | ConvertTo-Json OR Format-List
using power shell to do a rest api call:
#Reading feeds from PowerShell team blog
$feeds = Invoke-RestMethod
#Filtering and Formatting results
$feeds | ForEach {
} | ConvertTo-Json OR Format-List
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Saturday, May 20, 2017
JS Dump from VS Code:
function abc(id) {
var countriesSubscription = [
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 1, ExchangeRate: 1, CountryName: "Australia", Code: "AU", CurrencyForeign: "AUD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: 15.75, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "ClickToRefresh" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 2, ExchangeRate: 1.01, CountryName: "Canada", Code: "CAN", CurrencyForeign: "CAD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 3, ExchangeRate: 5.78, CountryName: "Hong Kong", Code: "HKG", CurrencyForeign: "HKD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'CHIX', CountryId: 4, ExchangeRate: 0.74, CountryName: "US", Code: "USA", CurrencyForeign: "USD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 5, ExchangeRate: 0.67, CountryName: "France", Code: "FRA", CurrencyForeign: "EUR", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'CHIX', CountryId: 6, ExchangeRate: 1.37, CountryName: "Switzerland", Code: "CHE", CurrencyForeign: "CHF", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 7, ExchangeRate: 0.73, CountryName: "Belgium", Code: "BEL", CurrencyForeign: "EUR", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
countriesSubscription.forEach(function (element) {
if (element.CountryId === id) {
element.IsSubscribed = true;
for (var index = 0; index < countriesSubscription.length; index++) {
var element = countriesSubscription[index];
console.log(element.CountryName + ' ' + element.IsSubscribed);
// Use map function
var result = (element) {
return element.CurrencyLocal + " " + element.PriceLocal;
result.forEach(function (element) {
}, this);
// reduce array of objects to dictionary
var countryDictionary = countriesSubscription.reduce(function (o, v) {
o[v.CountryId] = v;
return o;
}, {});
// Find index of element
Array.prototype.indexOfObject = function countriesSubscription(property, value) {
for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this[i][property] === value) return i;
return -1;
var result = countriesSubscription.indexOfObject("CountryName", "Canada");
result = (e) { return e.CountryName; }).indexOf('Canada');
// **** Array to group by Exchange ****
var groupByCurrency = countriesSubscription.reduce(function(all, item, index){
return all;
}, {CHIX:[], ASX:[]});
// Custom function that loops and finds
countrySearch = function (array, callback) {
for (var key in countriesSubscription) {
if (callback(countriesSubscription[key])) {
return countriesSubscription[key];
var countryById = this.countrySearch(countriesSubscription, function(key){
return key.CountryId === 1;
var countryByName = this.countrySearch(countriesSubscription, function(key){
return key.CountryName === "Australia";
var CountryBySubscribtion = this.countrySearch(countriesSubscription, s => s.IsSubscribed === false )
Doing group by like in JavaScript using the reduce function, see:
var countriesSubscription = [
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 1, ExchangeRate: 1, CountryName: "Australia", Code: "AU", CurrencyForeign: "AUD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: 15.75, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "ClickToRefresh" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 2, ExchangeRate: 1.01, CountryName: "Canada", Code: "CAN", CurrencyForeign: "CAD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 3, ExchangeRate: 5.78, CountryName: "Hong Kong", Code: "HKG", CurrencyForeign: "HKD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'CHIX', CountryId: 4, ExchangeRate: 0.74, CountryName: "US", Code: "USA", CurrencyForeign: "USD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 5, ExchangeRate: 0.67, CountryName: "France", Code: "FRA", CurrencyForeign: "EUR", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'CHIX', CountryId: 6, ExchangeRate: 1.37, CountryName: "Switzerland", Code: "CHE", CurrencyForeign: "CHF", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 7, ExchangeRate: 0.73, CountryName: "Belgium", Code: "BEL", CurrencyForeign: "EUR", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
// **** Array to group by Exchange ****
var groupByCurrency = countriesSubscription.reduce(function(all, item, index){
return all;
}, {CHIX:[], ASX:[]});
CountryId: 5,
ExchangeRate: 0.67,
CountryName: 'France',
Code: 'FRA',
CurrencyForeign: 'EUR',
CurrencyLocal: 'AUD',
IsSubscribed: false,
PriceLocal: null,
PriceForeign: null,
DataType: '' }
{ Exchange: 'ASX',
CountryId: 7,
ExchangeRate: 0.73,
CountryName: 'Belgium',
Code: 'BEL',
CurrencyForeign: 'EUR',
CurrencyLocal: 'AUD',
IsSubscribed: false,
PriceLocal: null,
PriceForeign: null,
DataType: '' }
{ Exchange: 'CHIX',
CountryId: 4,
ExchangeRate: 0.74,
CountryName: 'US',
Code: 'USA',
CurrencyForeign: 'USD',
CurrencyLocal: 'AUD',
IsSubscribed: true,
PriceLocal: null,
PriceForeign: null,
DataType: '' }
{ Exchange: 'CHIX',
CountryId: 6,
ExchangeRate: 1.37,
CountryName: 'Switzerland',
Code: 'CHE',
CurrencyForeign: 'CHF',
CurrencyLocal: 'AUD',
IsSubscribed: true,
PriceLocal: null,
PriceForeign: null,
DataType: '' }
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