Popular Posts

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Deploying an Angular CLI project using VSTS Build and Release - Seth Reid Blog

Step 1: Follow John Papa's steps except don't create a web config (keep it unticked)


Step 2: add the web config based on this:

Deploying an Angular CLI project using VSTS Build and Release - Seth Reid Blog:

e.g. in the root folder of the app:

        <rule name="AngularJS Routes" stopProcessing="true">
          <match url=".*" />
          <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
            <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" negate="true" />
            <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsDirectory" negate="true" />
          <action type="Rewrite" url="/" />

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Angular fire auth


Saturday, October 28, 2017

Sunday, October 22, 2017

vscode deploy angular 4 app to azure - Google Search

vscode deploy angular 4 app to azure - Google Search



Saturday, October 21, 2017

ajax - How to support HTTP OPTIONS verb in ASP.NET MVC/WebAPI application - Stack Overflow

ajax - How to support HTTP OPTIONS verb in ASP.NET MVC/WebAPI application - Stack Overflow: "public class AllowOptionsHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override async Task SendAsync(
HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);

if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Options

Enable cors for Angular 4 otherwise when adding new record it will fail

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Wpf cross platform?


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

Deploying java to azure


Refit as retrofit rest client libraray that works with interface


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Installing application insights in iis


Saturday, July 22, 2017

JSONPlaceholder - Fake online REST API for developers

JSONPlaceholder - Fake online REST API for developers

using power shell to do a rest api call:

#Reading feeds from PowerShell team blog

$feeds = Invoke-RestMethod http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/atom.aspx

#Filtering and Formatting results

$feeds | ForEach {







} | ConvertTo-Json  OR Format-List

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Winform databinding in new way


Thursday, June 8, 2017



Saturday, May 20, 2017

JS Dump from VS Code:

function abc(id) {

var countriesSubscription = [
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 1, ExchangeRate: 1, CountryName: "Australia", Code: "AU", CurrencyForeign: "AUD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: 15.75, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "ClickToRefresh" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 2, ExchangeRate: 1.01, CountryName: "Canada", Code: "CAN", CurrencyForeign: "CAD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 3, ExchangeRate: 5.78, CountryName: "Hong Kong", Code: "HKG", CurrencyForeign: "HKD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'CHIX', CountryId: 4, ExchangeRate: 0.74, CountryName: "US", Code: "USA", CurrencyForeign: "USD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 5, ExchangeRate: 0.67, CountryName: "France", Code: "FRA", CurrencyForeign: "EUR", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'CHIX', CountryId: 6, ExchangeRate: 1.37, CountryName: "Switzerland", Code: "CHE", CurrencyForeign: "CHF", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 7, ExchangeRate: 0.73, CountryName: "Belgium", Code: "BEL", CurrencyForeign: "EUR", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },

countriesSubscription.forEach(function (element) {
if (element.CountryId === id) {
element.IsSubscribed = true;

for (var index = 0; index < countriesSubscription.length; index++) {
var element = countriesSubscription[index];
console.log(element.CountryName + ' ' + element.IsSubscribed);

// Use map function
var result = countriesSubscription.map(function (element) {
return element.CurrencyLocal + " " + element.PriceLocal;

result.forEach(function (element) {
}, this);

// reduce array of objects to dictionary
var countryDictionary = countriesSubscription.reduce(function (o, v) {
o[v.CountryId] = v;
return o;
}, {});


// Find index of element
Array.prototype.indexOfObject = function countriesSubscription(property, value) {
for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this[i][property] === value) return i;
return -1;

var result = countriesSubscription.indexOfObject("CountryName", "Canada");

result = countriesSubscription.map(function (e) { return e.CountryName; }).indexOf('Canada');

// **** Array to group by Exchange ****
var groupByCurrency = countriesSubscription.reduce(function(all, item, index){
return all;
}, {CHIX:[], ASX:[]});



// Custom function that loops and finds

countrySearch = function (array, callback) {
for (var key in countriesSubscription) {
if (callback(countriesSubscription[key])) {
return countriesSubscription[key];

var countryById = this.countrySearch(countriesSubscription, function(key){
return key.CountryId === 1;

var countryByName = this.countrySearch(countriesSubscription, function(key){
return key.CountryName === "Australia";

var CountryBySubscribtion = this.countrySearch(countriesSubscription, s => s.IsSubscribed === false )

Doing group by like in JavaScript using the reduce function, see:

var countriesSubscription = [
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 1, ExchangeRate: 1, CountryName: "Australia", Code: "AU", CurrencyForeign: "AUD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: 15.75, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "ClickToRefresh" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 2, ExchangeRate: 1.01, CountryName: "Canada", Code: "CAN", CurrencyForeign: "CAD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 3, ExchangeRate: 5.78, CountryName: "Hong Kong", Code: "HKG", CurrencyForeign: "HKD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'CHIX', CountryId: 4, ExchangeRate: 0.74, CountryName: "US", Code: "USA", CurrencyForeign: "USD", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 5, ExchangeRate: 0.67, CountryName: "France", Code: "FRA", CurrencyForeign: "EUR", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'CHIX', CountryId: 6, ExchangeRate: 1.37, CountryName: "Switzerland", Code: "CHE", CurrencyForeign: "CHF", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },
{ Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 7, ExchangeRate: 0.73, CountryName: "Belgium", Code: "BEL", CurrencyForeign: "EUR", CurrencyLocal: "AUD", IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: "" },

// **** Array to group by Exchange ****
var groupByCurrency = countriesSubscription.reduce(function(all, item, index){
return all;
}, {CHIX:[], ASX:[]});




CountryId: 5, ExchangeRate: 0.67, CountryName: 'France', Code: 'FRA', CurrencyForeign: 'EUR', CurrencyLocal: 'AUD', IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: '' } { Exchange: 'ASX', CountryId: 7, ExchangeRate: 0.73, CountryName: 'Belgium', Code: 'BEL', CurrencyForeign: 'EUR', CurrencyLocal: 'AUD', IsSubscribed: false, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: '' }

{ Exchange: 'CHIX', CountryId: 4, ExchangeRate: 0.74, CountryName: 'US', Code: 'USA', CurrencyForeign: 'USD', CurrencyLocal: 'AUD', IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: '' } { Exchange: 'CHIX', CountryId: 6, ExchangeRate: 1.37, CountryName: 'Switzerland', Code: 'CHE', CurrencyForeign: 'CHF', CurrencyLocal: 'AUD', IsSubscribed: true, PriceLocal: null, PriceForeign: null, DataType: '' }  

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Monday, May 15, 2017

Redis client


. Net free code profiler


Gui windlg dump file debug


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Chrome extension c#


Monday, May 8, 2017

Encription library as in ravebdb


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Monday, April 17, 2017

Alternative to SmtpClient


Monday, February 27, 2017

Filter array javascript


Friday, February 3, 2017

Edit fiddle - JSFiddle

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Dynamically Add and Remove rows in a Table Using jquery - JS Tutorials

Dynamically Add and Remove rows in a Table Using jquery - JS Tutorials

Bootstrap Snippet Dynamic Table row creation and Deletion using HTML Bootstrap jQuery | Bootsnipp.com

Bootstrap Snippet Dynamic Table row creation and Deletion using HTML Bootstrap jQuery | Bootsnipp.com

EditableGrid, build powerful editable tables - What's EditableGrid ?

EditableGrid, build powerful editable tables - What's EditableGrid ?

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Responsive Bootstrap Table

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Roslynator Refactorings - Visual Studio Marketplace

Roslynator Refactorings - Visual Studio Marketplace

free refactoring tool ...

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ReAttach - Visual Studio Marketplace

ReAttach - Visual Studio Marketplace

VS extension that remembers the last debugging session and reattaches to it e.g IIS Worker process.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Conditional check constraints
