Popular Posts

Friday, August 24, 2018

A Solution To The React className Controversy – Burke Knows Words

A Solution To The React className Controversy – Burke Knows Words: The tech community is no stranger to controversy. Just the other week I was faced with an extremely awkward and difficult situation when someone I thought was a close friend (who I won’t name)…

class to className vscode addin

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Stateless 3.0 - A State Machine library for .NET Core - Scott Hanselman

Stateless 3.0 - A State Machine library for .NET Core - Scott Hanselman

Chrome Web Store - Extensions

Chrome Web Store - Extensions

Chrome extension to post any where

Webgraphviz - visualize text to uml flow chart


dot string to graph

e.g for ordering process:

digraph {


node [shape=Mrecord]


Openned [label="Openned|entry / Function"];

Fullfiled [label="Fullfiled|entry / Function"];

Invoiced [label="Invoiced|entry / Function"];

Shipped [label="Shipped|entry / Function"];

BackOrdered [label="BackOrdered|entry / Function"];

PurchaseOrdered [label="PurchaseOrdered|entry / Function"];

Cancelled [label="Cancelled|entry / Function"];

Refunded [label="Refunded|entry / Function"];

Rejected [label="Rejected|entry / Function"];

Completed [label="Completed"];

Openned -> Fullfiled [style="solid", label="Fullfill"];

Openned -> BackOrdered [style="solid", label="BackOrder"];

Openned -> Rejected [style="solid", label="Reject"];

Fullfiled -> Invoiced [style="solid", label="Invoice"];

Fullfiled -> Rejected [style="solid", label="Reject"];

Invoiced -> Shipped [style="solid", label="Ship"];

Invoiced -> Refunded [style="solid", label="Refund"];

Shipped -> Completed [style="solid", label="Complete"];

Shipped -> Cancelled [style="solid", label="Cancel"];

BackOrdered -> PurchaseOrdered [style="solid", label="PurchaseOrder"];

BackOrdered -> Rejected [style="solid", label="Reject"];

PurchaseOrdered -> Fullfiled [style="solid", label="Fullfill"];

PurchaseOrdered -> Rejected [style="solid", label="Reject"];

Cancelled -> Refunded [style="solid", label="Refund"];

Refunded -> Completed [style="solid", label="Complete"];

Rejected -> Completed [style="solid", label="Complete"];


Webgraphviz - visualize text to uml flow chart


dot string to graph

e.g for ordering process:

digraph {


node [shape=Mrecord]


Openned [label="Openned|entry / Function"];

Fullfiled [label="Fullfiled|entry / Function"];

Invoiced [label="Invoiced|entry / Function"];

Shipped [label="Shipped|entry / Function"];

BackOrdered [label="BackOrdered|entry / Function"];

PurchaseOrdered [label="PurchaseOrdered|entry / Function"];

Cancelled [label="Cancelled|entry / Function"];

Refunded [label="Refunded|entry / Function"];

Rejected [label="Rejected|entry / Function"];

Completed [label="Completed"];

Openned -> Fullfiled [style="solid", label="Fullfill"];

Openned -> BackOrdered [style="solid", label="BackOrder"];

Openned -> Rejected [style="solid", label="Reject"];

Fullfiled -> Invoiced [style="solid", label="Invoice"];

Fullfiled -> Rejected [style="solid", label="Reject"];

Invoiced -> Shipped [style="solid", label="Ship"];

Invoiced -> Refunded [style="solid", label="Refund"];

Shipped -> Completed [style="solid", label="Complete"];

Shipped -> Cancelled [style="solid", label="Cancel"];

BackOrdered -> PurchaseOrdered [style="solid", label="PurchaseOrder"];

BackOrdered -> Rejected [style="solid", label="Reject"];

PurchaseOrdered -> Fullfiled [style="solid", label="Fullfill"];

PurchaseOrdered -> Rejected [style="solid", label="Reject"];

Cancelled -> Refunded [style="solid", label="Refund"];

Refunded -> Completed [style="solid", label="Complete"];

Rejected -> Completed [style="solid", label="Complete"];


Sunday, June 10, 2018

Graphana chart


Friday, February 9, 2018

Lock semaphore mutex


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Sql server unit tests


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Ef bulk


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Generate insert script with exists




Tuesday, January 2, 2018

sample cache

void Main()

// Testing only
var cache = new Cache<string>();
cache.Add("test", new CacheItem<string>());

public interface ICache<TValue>
void Add(string key, CacheItem<TValue> value);

public class Cache<TValue>: ICache<TValue>
public void Add(string key, CacheItem<TValue> value)

public class CacheItem<TValue>


// Define other methods and classes here

Learn CSS Grid for free

Learn CSS Grid for free